FAQ - Driver License


Identification Requirements

Our identification requirements webpage outlines what you need to bring to your driver license appointment.

All documents presented must be certified originals, certified amended originals or true copies certified by the issuing agency. If you cannot prove each of the required elements with the documents set forth in the chart, then you may be referred to Exceptions Processing to prove the required elements with additional/alternative documents.

You will also need to present your Social Security Card or acceptable proof of your Social Security number, unless you are a CO-RCSA (SB 251) applicant.

Proof of address and appropriate payment is also required.

All first time applicants who are U.S. citizens or who can demonstrate permanent lawful presence in the U.S. must provide proof of their Social Security number. Acceptable documents to provide proof of Social Security number are:

  • Social Security Account number card
  • W-2 form
  • SSA-1099 Form
  • Non-SSA-1099 Form
  • Pay stub with the applicant's name and SSN on it
  • You can also provide your Social Security number verbally.

All applicants who are U.S. citizens or who can demonstrate permanent lawful presence in the U.S. but do not hold a valid Colorado driver license, identification card or instruction permit must provide proof of their Social Security number.

Fill out and print the Request for Waiver form (DR 4678) and during you appointment, present it along with an affidavit stating you are lawfully present in the U.S., proof that you are lawfully present in the U.S. and at least one form of identification from the identification requirements chart. If your information passes all checks, the office will update your benefit indicator in the system and return a copy of the approved form. Once your benefit indicator is updated, you will be able to return to the office where you are seeking benefits and have your eligibility verified.

The star in the top right corner of your driver license, instruction permit or identification card indicates that your card has been issued in compliance with the federal REAL ID Act. This card may be used as identification for federal purposes, such as boarding an aircraft or entering a federal building.

Birth certificates are routinely used to verify an applicant's full legal name, date of birth and lawful presence in the United States.

The DMV can only accept a certified copy of a birth certificate from federal, state, county, and municipal departments of
vital statistics or vital records, the Dept. Of Justice, the Dept. of State, and the Bureau of Indian
Affairs. We are not able to accept laminated or wallet-sized birth certificates.

Card Information

The Colorado DMV follows AAMVA standards for the information to be included on the driver license/instruction permit/identification card.

The information on the magnetic strip mirrors the information on the physical card, plus any ethnicity information you have voluntarily provided.


Religious headwear is permitted in any driver license, instruction permit or identification card photograph as long as the picture meets the driver license photograph standards in order to stay compliant with REAL ID Act.


Online renewal is available to eligible adult regular driver license and ID card holders. Your previous photo, signature and fingerprint are used to renew your driver license or ID card. 

To determine eligibility for online renewal and documentation you will need to have when you renew your document at an office visit our renewal webpage.

Occasionally, you may be subject to a re-examination of your driving ability. In that case, you will be notified, and a Driving Skills Test will be required. State Driver License offices are not conducting Driving Skills Test at this time. If you need to schedule a drive test, please reference our Colorado driving schools list.

Making Changes

You do not have to make an appointment or buy a new card unless you want your new address displayed on your license, permit or ID card. You may do any one of the following:

Change your address online. After changing your address online, print a label (for example, a return address label) with your new address and affix it to the back of your license, permit or ID card. Download and print the Change of Address Form (DR2285) from the state's website. Complete the form and mail or deliver to a driver license office. After mailing the form, print a label (for example, a return address label) with your new address and affix it to the back of your license, permit or ID card. Pick up a change of address form at a driver license office. Give the completed form to a driver license employee. You can then print your own label (for example, a return address label) with your new address and affix it to the back of your license, permit or ID card. Visit a driver license office and provide your current license, permit or ID card two proof of Colorado address documents showing the new address and payment. A new license, permit or ID card will be mailed to the address you provide.

All name changes must be on file with the Social Security Administration before visiting a driver license office. It takes about least 24-48 business hours for changes to be processed with Social Security. Once that has been completed, you must visit a driver license office and bring one of the documents from the list below showing your name change. You will be required to purchase another license or ID card.

Certified original marriage certificate (foreign marriage licenses are not accepted) Certified original civil union certificate Certified original tribal court marriage certificate Certified original divorce decree Certified original decree of separation, with the name restored Certified original court order of name change Certified original state or county issued birth certificate if returning to your maiden name

With only a few steps, Coloradans can change the sex designation on their driver license or identification card.

Drivers Under 21

Please visit our Minor Permit webpage.

Please visit our Minor Permit webpage.

If you are under 18 years old:

  • You are not permitted to drive a vehicle carrying one passenger under 21 years old unless you have held your driver license for at least 6 months.
  • You are not permitted to drive a vehicle carrying more than one passenger under 21 years old unless you have held your driver license for at least one year.
    • Exceptions to carrying multiple passengers or passengers under 21 years old:
    • If an adult passenger is in the vehicle, 21 years of age or older, who has a valid license and has held a driver license for at least one year
    • If the passenger under 21 needs emergency medical assistance
    • If the passengers under 21 are members of your immediate family and they are all wearing seatbelts
  • When carrying passengers, only one passenger may ride in the front seat with you and there can be no more passengers in the back seat than there are seat belts
  • You and all of your passengers must wear their seat belts
  • There are also restrictions on the time of day you are permitted to drive:
    • You cannot drive between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. unless you have held your driver license for at least one year except in the following circumstances:
      • An adult passenger who is 21 or older, has a valid license and has held it for at least one year, is in the vehicle
      • You are driving to school or a school-authorized activity and the school doesn't provide transportation.
        • You need a signed statement from the school official showing the date of the activity
      • You are driving because of employment, you must carry a signed statement from your employer verifying your employment
      • You are driving because of an emergency

Out-of-state Transfers

Yes, all valid (or expired less than 1 year) out-of-state CDLs will transfer to Colorado with all endorsements except HAZMAT and school bus.

You cannot hold both a valid driver license and valid ID card. If you are a new resident of Colorado, you must apply for a Colorado card and surrender your out-of-state card.

If you have a regular license, you may apply for a one year extension (three years for active duty military) or a reissue while out of state.

  • NOTE TO CDL DRIVERS: Due to medical and testing requirements for CDL drivers, only a 30-day extension is available. There is no fee for this 30-day extension. Please submit your request to:

Colorado Department of Revenue
PO Box 173350 Room 164
Denver CO 80217-3350

  • NOTE TO CDL DRIVERS IN THE MILITARY: If you have a Colorado CDL license and are based out of the state or overseas, your license is automatically extended for up to three years per Colorado Revised Statute 42-2-118(2) as long as a military ID or military orders are presented with the license. Please do not request an extension, no sticker will be mailed to you.

No testing is required if you hold a valid driver license from any U.S. state, Canada, France, Germany, the Republic of South Korea or Taiwan. However, you will need to have the required documents and pay the applicable fee.

If you are new to Colorado from another country, click here.


To provide greater security and align with REAL ID recommendations, all licenses, permits and ID cards are mailed from a secure central location and usually arrive in 8-10 days, but may take up to 30 days to be delivered. If you wish to check on the status of your card, please go to myDMV.Colorado.gov and use the "Where is my driver license?" service. If it has been between 30 and 90 days from your issuance date and your card has not been delivered or returned, please call us during business hours at 303-205-5600, or email or email us here to schedule an appointment for a free duplicate.

If your license is expired for one year or less, you will not be required to retest. If your license has been expired for more than one year, you will be required to take both the written exam and drive skills test.

Please visit our fees webpage.

No. You may make an appointment at any state driver license office that offers the service you are seeking.


Yes. See our complete list of driver education schools which offer both written and drive testing along with driver training and education.

Tests in state driver license offices are offered in English and Spanish. Third party schools may offer other languages. Translators are allowed for the written test.

Every Coloradan applying for a driver license or permit is required by Colorado Revised Statute 42-2-111(1)(a) to have their eyesight tested for minimum standards established by the Colorado Department of Revenue in coordination with the Colorado Optometric Association, the American Optometric Association and American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. The DMV's eye screening is basic and does not take the place of a professional evaluation, should one be required. Vision in either or both eyes must be at least the established minimum of 20/40.

Rehabilitation Permits

The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles provides step-by-step instructions for obtaining a rehabilitation permit.


Interpreters for Hearing Impaired Customers

Please visit our accommodations request webpage.

Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation

If you answered Yes to the organ, eye and tissue donor question when you applied for your license, permit or ID card, then a heart with a "Y" in the center will show on the front of your license, permit or ID card. Also, by answering yes, your name is automatically entered in the confidential Donate Life Colorado Registry. For more information, please contact Donor Alliance at 303-329-4747 or 888-868-4747.

Rules and Regulations

Colorado Revised Statute 42-2-116 authorizes the Department, whenever good cause exists, to restrict, limit or place special conditions on a license to allow a person to continue to operate a motor vehicle, despite the condition or situation that imposed the restriction. Restriction codes, and their corresponding explanation, are as follows:

  • A = Automatic transmission
    • This restriction is placed on a license when a customer is physically unable to safely operate a vehicle with a standard transmission.
  • D = Daylight driving only
    • This restriction is placed on a license when indicated ,by a vision specialist.
  • C = Corrective Lenses
    • This restriction is placed on a license when the 20/40 vision standard can only be met when wearing glasses or contact lenses.
  • F = Left-side rear view mirror
    • This restriction is placed on a license as indicated on a DR2401 (medical form) or DR2402 (eye examination form).
  • H = Hand Controls
    • This restriction is placed on the license when the customer is physically unable to safely operate a vehicle with normal, factory-installed equipment. This restriction remains on the driver license until the customer can demonstrate their ability to operate the vehicle safely without hand controls.
  • G= Left-side rear view mirror or corrective lenses
    • This restriction is placed on a license as indicated on a DR2401 (medical form) or DR2402 (eye examination report).

Active Duty Military and Veterans

Yes, please visit our active duty and military veterans webpage for more information. The military identifier and veteran indicator do not extend to spouses or dependents.

Individuals older than 65

Please visit our drivers 65 and older webpage for more information.